FAQ Page 

How much does IDS cost? 

IDS is completely free! Our heart is to make Bible college level education accessible to everyone. While all the classes are free it does cost us money to run the ministry so we appreciate donations and partnership to help keep us going.  See our "DONATE" page to help.

Is IDS connected to any particular denomination? 

IDS is not affiliated with any denomination. While our school is non-denominational we uphold that every Christian should be part of a Bible believing local Church.  All of our staff members are active serving members in their local churches.  

Does completion of IDS qualify me for vocational ministry?

Although we seek to equip leaders for greater growth we believe that qualification for vocational ministry should be determined by God, the Bible, and your local church leadership.  Our vision at IDS is to help equip people for a Christian lifestyle that may or may not equal vocational ministry. 

Can Ben Dixon become my mentor? 

Ben's primary means of equipping is through Immersion Discipleship School. We ask that mentorship come from your local church and immediate leadership community.  Ben is open to meeting with and exchanging email with any student but personal mentorship should not be expected.

Is IDS accredited?

IDS is not accredited but there may be credits that are transferable to Seattle Bible College upon completion of all requirements.  This will depend on each student and situation as SBC allows.  For more information email us at info@igniteglobalministries.org